Big Box Retailers
What to do about big box retailers and the competition?

While that may be true, you can treat them like a tool to further your brand.
The big box retailers are raising the bar for us, as far as usability and convenience. That's ok. Brands can beat them at that game, by learning from them and improving on it.
Also they can only provide great experiences for their brand, not yours. You can provide great experiences for your customers.
Also they can be harnessed to catapult your brand to the forefront. Whether you release one SKU, many SKUs, or all your SKUs to the central marketplace there are strategies to bring awareness to your brand. So don't discount them for that purpose.
Flex can help you push what you want to Walmart and Amazon, in an automated process, that supports your strategy. At the same time, making an optimal brand experience on your website that can't be replicated on Amazon or Walmart.
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